Research Findings on Benefits of being Active as Teenagers

This morning when I turned on the TV, there was a feature news report on the alarming and heartbreaking rate of obesity in America of 30 percent. They say that more kids and teenagers are inflicted with obesity, versus more adults 15 to 20 years ago. Obesity is not only a diet issue or how much or how healthy people eat, but also importantly a lifestyle and psychological issues. Teenagers who are active and have a positive self-image are more likely to be physically healthy also.

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A healthy lifestyle for youngsters is essential for sustenance. Kids that lead an active lifestyle can significantly improve their quality of life, life expectancy, social behavior, emotional intelligence and cognitive abilities. There have been plenty of research that link active kids to a balanced body, mind and soul. Kids can greatly benefit from being physically active. It can:

• promote healthy growth and development
• build strong bones and muscles
• improve balance and develop skills
• maintain and develop flexibility
• help achieve and maintain a healthy weight
• improve cardiovascular fitness and lower risk of health problems
• help relaxation
• improve posture
• provide opportunities to make friends and improve inter-personal skills
• improve psychological well-being, including gaining more self-confidence and higher self-esteem

So parents, care takers and educators, please encourage your kids and teenagers to go outside and be active.

This article has been published on Outward Bound Indonesia’s blog:

Sources: American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association (,